How will Bill 148 Affect Pay Equity and Your Company?

The pay equity landscape in Ontario is changing! Recently I have had the pleasure of interviewing on this topic. David Whitmarsh CEO of the Whitmarsh Consulting Group and owner of sat with me to discuss the intention of Bill 148 and how it might impact HR departments across Ontario. Here is the transcript of that […]
Bill 148 Makes Changes To The Employment Standards Act in Ontario
Bill 148 is the law! Changes made to the Employment Standards Act on April 1, 2018 require: Equal Pay for Equal Work As of April 1, 2018, employers will be required to pay casual, part-time, temporary or seasonal employees at the same rate as full-time employees if those employees perform the same type of work, in […]
New Years Resolutions
HR is constantly asked to perform magic. As the new year approaches, almost everyone starts to think about what next year will hold. HR Professionals are no different and sometimes the list is just so long it’s challenging to get the right priorities at the top. HR Strategies Consulting has put together Top 10 list […]
Are the days of the annual merit salary increase numbered?
It is that time of year when performance appraisals are in the works and employees start to wonder about their annual salary increase. Will it be 5% or 3% or will it be zero? No one wants to think about the latter but there are a few reasons why some employees may be disappointed this […]
Emerging Themes from SuccessConnect 2016
It is that time of year again when our attention starts to turn to our fall activities. The kids return to school, the fall selling season starts, football is getting started and the SAP SuccessConnect 2016 conference is upon us. This week, business executives, HR leaders, technologists, partners and software leaders will all converge on […]