Supporting a Culture of Learning with a Learning Management System

Every organization wants a high-quality workforce. They may realize that in order to do this they need to advance employee skills. But how? It starts with developing a culture of learning. A culture of continuous learning is essential to company success because it improves employee productivity, business results and gives an organization a competitive edge […]
Utilizing HR’s Greatest Asset: Data

People analytics, data and metrics are top of mind for savvy organization leaders who understand that they must be able to harness the power of their human capital if they want to stay competitive in today’s global economy. In fact, 97% of respondents to the 2020 Deloitte Global Human Capital Trends survey said that they […]
Leveraging operational data with employee experience to measure engagement.
There’s a lot of data being collected by the HR team, but the problems come when it’s time to convert the data into insight. There are heaps and heaps of data, but most of it isn’t processed to gain insight from it. And one of the main reasons is that there’s still not a holy […]
HR Technology Trends for 2020

2020 continues to provide changes in the way we buy and use technology to enable HR. Organizations are looking for solutions to engage and retain talent, as well as provide analytics to drive HR and Business Results. With more employees working remotely because of the coronavirus pandemic, technology has become increasingly important to support […]
Driving Health & Safety Compliance Through Cost Effective Technology

With the employee’s health and safety being critical to the success of your organizations and with the increased pressure to track, record and reduce workplace incidents, now is the time to automate Health & Safety. From a safety management perspective, the ultimate goal is to create a real-time, dynamic picture of what is […]
Continuous Performance Management Is Not New

The idea of Continuous Performance Management (CPM) is not new. Companies have long advised managers to engage in continuous coaching and communication with employees throughout the year. However, managers were rarely held accountable for these conversations nor given the tools to support them. Consequently, many performance management systems went stagnant and reviews remained annual exercises that […]
Global Talent Management Solutions Address Changing Business Conditions

The battle for talent is amplified today amidst the changing dynamics of a more diverse workforce. New talent approaches to ensure a competitive advantage is required. Yet, research shows that most companies lack strategic, global talent management solutions to address changing business conditions and match future market needs. Technology can help bridge the gap between […]
3 Reasons We Love Collaboration Software!

Social collaboration software streamlines HR business processes across your organization by bringing people together to drive company-wide results. The obvious benefit is the elimination of information silos in your organization, but here are 3 maybe not so obvious ways HR benefits from collaboration software: Streamline your onboarding process When combined with a formal onboarding program, […]
Navigating The Endless Options In Online Learning Management

The learning industry has made some of the greatest changes since 1999. However, regardless of how the industry has evolved or where it will go learning is here to stay. Organizations need to both reduce risk and engage and develop their people to maximize the value of their workforce and to attract and retain top […]
Mobile HR – Anywhere, Anytime and Easy to Use is Now in Reach
HR leaders across the globe have struggled with applying technology to align HR with corporate goals and strategies. Why has this been such an ongoing struggle? With all the new platforms and technologies, how is this out of reach? Let’s use Mobile HR as case in point. Many organizations want to provide mobile support for […]