Elevate Your Coaching Impact: Connecting assessment insights to behavior change!

Recorded Thursday, February 27, 2020 1:00PM EST

There are many assessments on the market today which claim to create insights to help leaders and teams function at their best. Insights are one thing but translating those insights into actual behavioral change is another. Combining a proven coaching approach to the application of a sound assessment will create lasting change and improved capability. We will describe the critical steps required to help leaders move from ‘interesting insights’ to executable results and lasting behavioral change.
Webcast Agenda
1. Review of the psychometric assessment – the Birkman Method; an example of a valid, reliable tool that can be used for both personal and team development.
2. How to incorporate psychometrics with a proven coaching approach to support lasting individual change
3. How to use psychometrics to improve team dynamics
4. Share real-life success stories

About The Presenters

Peter Santini
Vice President, HR Management Consulting

Peter is a dynamic, energetic, driven HR Leader with proven experience in multiple business sectors. Action-Oriented results driven, responsive HR practitioner, Peter has more than 30 years of experience in leading and building “best in class” people strategies that enable accelerated business growth, financial success and highly engaged employees.

Kristen Brown, PCC, CHRL, MEd
Executive Coach

Kristen works with leaders and teams at all levels to design strategies and implement action plans to help them realize their potential, reach their goals and achieve business results. Kristen possesses a depth of knowledge in assessment, leadership development, organization effectiveness and team dynamics. Kristen’s 20+ years of experience with leading businesses has provided her with insight into what organizations seek in leaders, as well as a keen understanding of the importance of personal clarity regarding values, passions, strengths and purpose to chart a successful path.

Jerome Zeyen, MCC, BA, CHRL
Executive Coach

Jerome is a Master Certified Coach who partners with Executives, and High Potential Leaders at various levels who are emerging within their disciplines. Jerome has over 25 years’ experience working in Human Resources Leadership roles and corporate environments supporting fortune 500 companies in Canada, the Middle East and the United States. He stays current on the most effective methods, techniques and success factors for leadership development, while enabling behavioural change and driving results through individual and team coaching.


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